The choices of professional carpet cleaning companies can be overwhelming. There are many things that need to be taken into consideration before you make the choice. Keep reading to discover what you need to know before hiring a company.
Don’t fall for scams by companies who try and solicit your business over the phone or quote you by-the-room prices. Room sizes vary, so a one-price-fits all policy is bound to cause trouble. Pricing should depend on the square footage of the room, not the number of rooms.
You should wash new carpets right away. When carpets are manufactured, they often have a chemical added to preserve the appearance until they are sold. Have your carpets cleaned as soon as they are installed in your home to protect your pets and loved ones from harmful chemicals.
Remember that chemical carpet cleaning agents can expose members of your family to something that is potentially harmful. Look carefully at any labels you use and discuss with your carpet cleaner what type of products they have as well.
If you are considering the use of a professional cleaning service, be sure that this business has an actual physical location. This will be useful if you end up having an issue with the company. If the cleaner you are considering hiring uses only a P.O. box, you should keep looking.
If you can’t find others to recommend a cleaning company, ask those you work with about what they would suggest in terms of a professional carpet cleaner. Don’t stop there. Ask your doctor, his or her secretary, the clerk at your local convenience store, or anyone you run across for advice. Obviously, you cannot trust their word as much as a loved one.
Pet owners are going to need their carpets cleaned more often. If you’ve got a high-maintenance carpet, you should keep them away from those areas or use rugs on them. Take the time to vacuum twice a week or apply some quality carpet cleaning products if needed.
Make sure you understand what type of screening process the cleaning company engages in when hiring workers. You don’t want any convicted felons entering your home. Many quality companies perform background checks and will tell you so. If a company is not forthcoming with this information, move on.
Red Wine
Red wine stains are extremely tough to get rid of. Minimize damage by treating the wine stain right away. First of all, use white wine to dilute the red wine. You do not want to let stains sit for extended periods of time. Before you vacuum, cover the wet part of the carpet with table salt for approximately 20 minutes.
Vet any potential carpet cleaning company. You should make sure that all of their employees are bonded and they are drug screened by the company. You don’t want a thief, murderer, rapist or drug addict roaming around your house.
Work against the grain with a vacuum to access deeply trapped particles. Hiring a professional can really get your carpets extra clean. Surface particles can be removed by going with the carpet’s grain.
Carpet cleaning services generally offer good discounts during the summer. Call some different places to see what they have available. Check for any sales or special offers available. They may also clean a chair or sofa for free.
Look deeper than the ads that are presented by companies. You should ask friends, relatives and neighbors if they can recommend anyone. If they know a good company, you should consider it. These types of recommendations are a great way to secure the best possible service.
Contact a professional carpet cleaner to ask for references. If they’re a good company then they should have a list around that has customers who will tell you good things about the company. Of course, they are going to give you names of satisfied customers, so you’re also going to have to check other reviews.
Ask to see the cleaning company’s certification and license. If they won’t show you proof of licensure and certification, tell them to take a hike. They must carry these documents to their jobs and if they do not have them, they might not have them all.
Never use a steam cleaner on your carpet without first vacuuming. This is imperative, due to the fact that thick dirt can smear beforehand. You will achieve better results and remove more dirt when you follow these steps.
Nothing is guaranteed, but research can make it easier to find a good cleaning company for your carpets. Implement the tips you learn here while doing your research. The advice mentioned is sure to help you hire a reputable carpet cleaning service that will do a great job.